In the June issue take a look back at the lasting legacy of Dr. Michael Lovett as he retires from his post as Superintendant of White Bear Lake Area schools.
In the June issue take a look back at the lasting legacy of Dr. Michael Lovett as he retires from his post as Superintendant of White Bear Lake Area schools.
Union Cemetery, located just south of Highway 96 West, began humbly as a few family graves on the William W. Webber farm in the 1860s. By 1877, it was apparent that the community needed a non-denominational option, and Webber incorporated the cemetery.
From delicious spring rolls to spicy homemade curry sauces, Ban Thai Restaurant in White Bear has been dishing out authentic Thai cuisine for 12 years.
St. Paul native F. Scott Fitzgerald is famous for many novels, perhaps none more so than The Great Gatsby. If you’re a fan of his books and short stories, you’re in luck. The F. Scott Fitzgerald Society will be holding the 14th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Conference in St.
This June marks the end of Dr. Michael Lovett’s nine years as superintendent of White Bear Lake Area Schools.
A collection of letters and handwriting samples Carolyn Porter has collected over the years. It was Marcel’s handwriting that first attracted her to his letters.
One of the satisfying aspects of any sport that involves striking a ball—golf ball, tennis ball, baseball—is the sound that results from solid contact. In the relatively new sport of pickleball, it’s the distinctive “pock” sound of a wooden paddle striking a plastic ball.
The White Bear community welcomed another senior living center in April, bringing new amenities and a variety of care standards for seniors looking to make a transition.
Looking back at nearly three decades as a part-time party entertainer-for-hire, clown/magician Roger Rust realized he has been fulfilling a prophecy of sorts. The prophet was Sister Adolpha, his third-grade teacher at Ascension grade school in north Minneapolis.
If you’re looking to do some reading this summer, but don’t always have the ambition, Bookawocky could be a great place to start.
Terry O’Loughlin’s photo captures Allen Christian’s bear sculpture perfectly. “I thought the sculpture was so interesting and tied to White Bear,” O’Loughlin says. “And Allen’s quite the sculptor.”
“Dragon boat” isn’t a term that is used often in daily conversation—unless you’re Lisa Banning Enders or Karen Anderson, who started the Off the Edge Dragon Boat racing team five years ago.
White Bear Mitsubishi puts out commercials every two to three months—but the outtakes on one of their commercials are what is catching people’s attention lately.